How it all began...

In May 2007, Jill Pellet, Senior Manager and Nigel Rossiter, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon visited Hoima to explore the possibility of Basingstoke & North Hampshire NHS Foundation Trust working with Hoima Regional Referral Hospital to establish a link between our two units. This was followed by a very successful return visit to Basingstoke by three team members from Hoima, the Medical Superintendent, Senior Principal Nursing Officer and the Administrator in February 2008. It was then agreed that we would explore ways of assisting the healthcare system in Hoima to improve the services it provides for people in that region. This led to a Memorandum of Understanding between the Partners in 2010.

Basingstoke Hoima Partnership for Health was formed as a charity in November 2009 in order to fund the Link with the object of improving the standards health care at Hoima Referral Hospital by establishing and maintaining sustainable professional and educational partnerships. 

In 2012 Basingstoke, Winchester and Andover War Memorial Hospital merged to form one trust and became Hamphire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Since then members form all sites of HHFT have made visits to Hoima, Uganda so the name of the Charity was offically renamed as Hampshire and Hoima Hospitals (HHH) in July 2019

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